Rapid Energy Auditor (REA) is a custom-developed software used for performing fast, reliable, and efficient Virtual Energy Audits for facilities (individual buildings and shared meters). REA uses clean and validated utility data for all facilities part of the software and performs preliminary calculations, including the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and on-site GHG Emissions but not limited to Minimum Savings (energy, dollar, and GHG emissions) by performing energy benchmarking. Energy benchmarking is the process of comparing the energy performance of a single facility over time relative to other similar buildings. For REA, the source of energy benchmarks for different buildings is derived from CBECS. The end-use energy data is obtained from EnergyCAP, a state database that serves as a repository having all utility bills. Further post-processing, such as data cleaning and validation, is further carried out to ensure accurate results are displayed.
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