Energy Audit of UMD Buildings and Data Centers

Energy Audit at a Glimpse

In 2009, UMD established the Climate Action Plan demonstrating leadership’s awareness of a need for energy improvements on campus and a commitment to implementing energy efficient practices. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% over 2005 levels by 2015, and by 50% by 2020. As S2TS is a leader in research and education in environmentally responsible and economically feasible integrated energy conversion systems for buildings and transportation, and with its excellent working relationship with UMD’s Facilities Management (FM) department, S2TS performs energy audit/profiling and conservation analysis for select commercial and residential buildings, and Data centers on UMD campus. S2TS energy modeling efforts suggest opportunity for average savings of no less than 25%, with low cost/no cost measures and immediate or less than two years payback periods.

Audited UMD Buildings

Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology

Xiao Lin, Nail Rachidi, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Gross Square Feet (GSF) area of Art-Sociology Building: 159,309 sq. feet
  • Major ECMs proposed:
    • Replace old AHUs and main pipes
    • Change constant air volume to variable air volume
    • Replace domestic water heater with point-of-use tankless water heater
    • Replace T8 fluorescent lights with LED lights
    • Apply occupancy sensors in lecture halls.
  • Estimated savings: $135,281/year.
  • Estimated Energy savings per annum : 5.57 MMBtu

Nail Rachidi, Marvyn Mac,Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD

  • Gross Square Feet (GSF) area of Adele H. Stamp Student Union: 290,173 sq. feet
  • The Stamp building may be divided into four levels: Basement, ground floor, first floor and second Floor.The project consists of analyzing utilities data of the facilities so as to calculate the overall energy consumption. This analysis will be compared to the simulation data of energy modeling. This study would enable to find solution in order to reduce and save the energy consumption.

Nail Rachidi, Florian Blanchet, Jason Kelly, Dana Savage, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • McKeldin is the main branch of the University of Maryland Library system. McKeldin Library is one of the largest buildings on campus consisting of seven floors, a basement and a penthouse mechanical floor.
  • Major ECM’s Proposed :
    • LED Lighting retrofit
    • Implementing an HVAC schedule (presently on a 24/7 basis)
  • Simulations of energy efficiency measures predict saving opportunities of $165,440 per year or nearly 14% of the current total energy consumption. Site EUI is estimated to drop from 124 kBtu/ft 2 .yr (391 kWh/m 2 .yr) to 107 kBtu/ft 2 .yr (337 kWh/m 2 .yr).
  • Estimated energy savings per annum: 8657 MMBtu

Fabio Battaglia, Raja Sampath, Dr. Kyosung Choo, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Gross Square Feet (GSF) area : 7830 sq. feet
  • We are working on modeling of data centers in 6sigma, starting with AV Williams data center and Research data center. We examine the existing operational issues and identify avenues for energy savings using CFD modeling. Finally, we propose ECMs such as containment and free cooling for the data centers, wherever feasible. This could save up to $150,000.
  • No equipment has been replaced since beginning of the project. Most of the ECMs suggested and implemented so far are changes in operating conditions such as set points. However, 3 out of 6 existing Liebert Chilled water CRAC units will be replaced with 3 Liebert DSE systems which have hybrid cooling capability (DX + free cooling). In addition, hot aisle containment is going to be installed in one of the aisles. Details for these are not available with us at the moment as these are their decisions for budgetary reasons.
  • Energy Savings per annum : 4.51 MMBtu

Jason Kelly, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Building Square Footage: 171,772
  • Year Constructed: 2013
  • Building Function: Offices, Lab Spaces, and Common Areas
  • Total Cost Savings: $63,741
  • Total Energy Savings: 2690 MBtu

Jason Kelly, Laura Combes, Adhiraj Singh, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Building Square Footage: 233,421
  • Year Constructed: 1998
  • Building Function: Gym, Offices, Swimming Pools, Sports Halls, Locker Rooms
  • Total energy and cost Savings: Still under investigation

Fabio Battaglia, Jason Kelly, Dana Savage, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Knight Hall is a small journalism building comprising of offices, classrooms and media labs. It has a gross surface of 55,861 square feet and it was built in 2010. Although it’s a recent construction, the building offered opportunities to improve the energy efficiency.
  • The most important ECMs suggested were: adjust the thermostat temperature and for some of the AHUs, reschedule the summer occupancy, avoid external light during daytime and reduce the lighting level when and where unnecessary.
  • The implementation of these no cost ECMs would save $12,000 every year, corresponding to 7% of a building which was considered to be at the state of the art.
  • Estimated energy savings per annum: 0.61 MMBtu

Adhiraj Singh, Jason Kelly, Vincent Cheng, Shwetha Choudhary, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Recently built in 2011, the Oakland residential building houses approximately 650 students across 8 floors and 180 rooms. The Gross Square Footage is 233,436 sq. feet.Despite being a recently built LEED Gold certified facility, there were some operational issues with Oakland hall with the major one being lack of clarity in sub metering data.
  • The ECMs suggested were: 1) Validation of sub meters to initiate energy awareness campaigns to engage students and integrate behavioral analysis with energy efficiency, 2) LED retrofits, 3) Smart switches for operable windows.
  • Based on the ECMs , the building’s energy consumption patterns by 20-30 % which translates to $70,000 worth of energy savings every years.
    Estimated energy savings: 4.65 MMBtu

Fabio Battaglia, Jason Kelly, Dana Savage, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Gross Surface Area(GSA) : 128,198 sqft.
  • Centreville hall is an eight-story residential building on campus that accommodates more than 500 students. Energy consumption is consist of electricity, district chilled water and steam from SCUB.
  • Electricity consumption in 2016 is approximately 1 million kWh, which is used for lighting and equipment. Steam consumption in 2016 is around 3 million kBtu and it is mostly used for space heating and hot water.
  • Estimated cost and energy savings per annum: Still under investigation

Stefan Bangerth, Michele Barth, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • 15% annual energy savings at low/no cost identified, saving $92,926 /year in utility costs.
  • ECMs proposed include Temperature setbacks,Fan coil and unit heater replacement, Additional controls to fan coils, Lighting replacement.
  • Building Function: offices, classrooms, conference rooms and labs.
  • Total Cost Savings: $92,926
  • Total Energy Savings: 3.97 MMBtu

Jared Levy, Dr. Kyosung Choo, Prof. Michael Ohadi

  • Identification of clean rooms as main drivers of high energy consumption (EUI of 419 kBtu/ft2·yr)
  • Clean rooms account for half of total site energy consumption, but only 11% of floor area
  • Building Function: Offices, Lab Spaces, and Common Areas
  • 16.1% reduction in annual energy consumption by shifting towards best-practice building operation. Reduction by 25.3% including energy recovery system.
  • Total Cost Savings: $341,500
  • Total Energy Savings: 18.8 MMBtu

Jason Kelly, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • 19% annual energy savings at low/no cost identified.
  • ECMs proposed include Temperature sensor relocation , AHU HW valve replacement, Changes to setbacks and schedules, Equipment consolidation.
  • Total Cost Savings: $141, 618
  • Total Energy Savings: 6.97 MMBtu

Jason Kelly, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Denton Hall is a coed residential building. It has eight-storeys and is fully air-conditioned.
  • ECMs proposed to reduce annual energy consumption by 59% at no/low cost.
  • Building Function: Residential Building housing approximately 542 UMD students
  • Total Cost Savings: $231,632
  • Total Energy Savings: 9.47 MMBtu

Dana Savage, Dr Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)

  • Hornbake Library (HBL) is a multi-purpose library whose current primary functions are the archival storage of various forms of sensitive media, and the housing of administrative offices and classrooms.
  • It is a 7 story facility with a gross floor area of 279,986 ft2, and a net assignable floor area of 196,836 sq. ft.
  • Total Cost Savings: $260K/year
  • Total Energy Savings: 11,140.2 MMBtu

Xiao Lin, Dr. Farah Singer, Prof. Michael M. Ohadi, Chauncey Jenkins (Facility Management, UMD)


  • Gross Square Feet (GSF) area of Technology Advanced Program Building: 33,119 sq. feet
    • Major ECM’s Proposed :
      • Reduce air change rate
      • Apply occupancy sensors for lighting
      • Replace T8 fluorescent lights with LED lights
      • Reduce solar heat gain
  • Estimated savings: $10,392/year
  • Estimated energy savings per annum: 0.92 MMBtu

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