Read all about the ASHRAE Panel on Cooling Technologies and Applications

On Friday, the 8th of November, 2019, the ASHRAE student chapter at UMD invited Xiaoyi Li, associate head of cryogenics and fluid branch at NASA, John Peterson, one of the leaders of the mission critical business line for AECOM and Tasmia Hussain, a Mechanical Engineer at CRB in a panel discussion to talk about the cooling technologies and their applications. Each of them began with a presentation on their work followed by an insightful panel discussion and question and answer session with the audience. Over 60 students and faculty and staff members turned up making this event a huge success.


ASHRAE’s student chapter thanks the panelists for joining us and  everyone of the students that attended this event and made it a huge success. Follow our page and this websites for updates on our latest endeavors. 

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