News & Events


CEEE AHXPI – The Spring 2025 Consortium

Monday, March 10 – Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at the University of Maryland, College Park The AHXPI Consortium Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.We are excited to announce that the Spring 2025 Consortium Meetings will be held in a hybrid format. We look forward to welcoming our sponsors to […]

Paper written.

What’s the best way to fight frost on HVAC&R equipment?

It’s a cold, hard fact: Frost accretion commonly plagues HVAC&R systems, impacting the equipment’s operating efficiency and leading to increased energy consumption. A research team from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE) explores energy-effective frost control techniques in the September 15, 2024 issue of Applied Thermal Engineering. The literature review examines […]

CEEE's 2024 Ph.D. graduates: Ellery Klein (left) and Harsimranjit Singh (right), pictured with his advisor, Michael Ohadi

Congratulations 2024 CEEE Graduates!

Best wishes to CEEE’s recent graduates: Ellery Klein, Ph.D., whose thesis focused on “Development of Variable Tube Geometry Heat Exchangers Using Adjoint Method With Performance Evaluation of an Additively Manufactured Prototype.” He recently started a position as a building systems engineer at Steven Winter Associates, Inc. in Washington, D.C. Harsimranjit Singh, Ph.D., who authored the […]

Intern Charlie Renze conducted an energy audit of his high school under the guidance of his mentors at CEEE’s S2TS laboratory.

CEEE Intern Uncovers Energy Inefficiencies at Md. High School

Renze conducted his audit under the guidance of his mentors at CEEE’s S2TS laboratory, which is led by CEEE co-founder Dr. Michael Ohadi. Equipped with a thermal imaging camera; an infrared thermometer; temperature, humidity and lighting sensors; and measurement probes, Renze and the S2TS team thoroughly inspected the school — from the basement boiler room to the rooftop structure — gathering data every step along the way.
CEEE Postdoctoral Research Associate Felipe de Castro holds a prototype of his design for a high-performance recuperator to boost the efficiency of small gas turbine systems.

From Heat Exchangers to Towel Hooks

CEEE’s newest research associate, Felipe de Castro, is always designing and building — whether it’s a more efficient heat exchanger, a more efficient and environmentally sustainable data center, a next-generation thermal management system that uses less water in cooling towers, or a simple towel hook for his own personal use. This spring, de Castro joined the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Energy Engineering as a postdoctoral research associate in its Advanced Heat Exchangers and Process Intensification (AHXPI) consortium under the guidance of CEEE co-founder Michael Ohadi in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
AHXPI Consortium

AHXPI – The Spring Consortium 2024

The consortium meetings are held semiannually and feature research presentations to sponsors by our students and faculty. The AHXPI Fall Consortium meeting was held from Monday, March 11 – Wednesday, March 13, 2024. This session is for CEEE Environmental Energy Engineering Consortium. Registration is required for the consortium meetings! For more information on upcoming consortium, please visit: […]

CEEE Awarded DOE Data Center Cooling Project

The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering has been awarded $1.1 Million through The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), (COOLERCHIPS) program. The DOE announced $40 million in funding for 15 projects that will develop high-performance, energy-efficient cooling solutions for data centers. The awarded projects will work on lowering the operational carbon […]

AHXPI Consortium Group Adds New Graduate Research Assistants

AHXPI Consortium Group Adds New Graduate Research Assistants

Yash Jatin Oza Yash Jatin Oza is a new CEEE graduate research assistant in the AHXPI Consortium Group pursuing a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. He is from Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Prior to coming to The University of Maryland, he received his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from Nirma University, Ahmedabad. Prior to joining CEEE, […]

David C. Deisenroth receives the Outstanding Paper Award at ITherm 2020!

David C. Deisenroth receives the Outstanding Paper Award at ITherm 2020! David Deisenroth is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at University of Maryland in 2018. His doctoral research focused on high-speed imaging and thermography of experimental two-phase flows for […]

April Dinner Presentation! Click here to register NOW

April’s “Dinner” presentation webinar will follow the monthly meeting theme of Student Activities by bringing you a series of presentations from our local University of Maryland and Catholic University of America ASHRAE Student Branches that will highlight their projects and research in the areas of HVAC, Energy Efficiency, and Building Science. Topic: Design, Testing and […]

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