ITherm 2018: Prof. Ohadi is the speaker at Technology Talk Session and Dr Farah Singer is the Session chair

It is with great pride we announce that Dr. Michael Ohadi is a speaker at Technology Talk Sessions in ITherm 2018. He is going talk about “HIGHLY EFFICIENT, DRIVE AND ELECTRONICS-INTEGRATED EMBEDDED COOLING ENABLED ELECTRIC MOTORS”. In this presentation he will review the critical role of thermal management on electric motors’ performance improvement and increased power density and volumetric specific power. Furthermore, will briefly discuss recent advances in compact, high-temperature, power electronics and how they can pave the way for complete drive and electronics integration with the motor, thereby enabling further performance improvement and compactness of next generation electric motors. Dr. Ohadi serves as Director at S^2 TS lab, UMD and is an Past Conference General Chair of ITherm. He is a CEEE founding faculty member and founder of the Advanced Heat Exchangers and Electronics Cooling Consortium. Dr. Ohadi is internationally recognized for his research in heat and mass transfer and smart energy systems . He is the inventor/co-inventor of eight issued U.S. patents and has published more than 150 refereed technical publications. 

Farah Singer, Research Assistant of S^2 TSlab, UMD is the elected as the Session Chair for E-1: Fundamentals of Boiling and Condensation, Modeled and Experimentally Validated Retrofit of High Consumption Data Centers on an Academic Campus, E-4: Thermal Numerical Methods, Nano-to-macro Scale and E-7: Convection in Channels and Jets at ITherm 2018. Apart from this Farah Singer is the Conference Organization Committee under Communication as Social & Social Media Head. Its our honor to have Farah Singer under our team.

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